Cadel Evans will not be making a comeback, apparently he's already racing.
Evans had been due to make a comeback in May at Le Giro, but according to a statement issued by Evans personal assistant 'Molly the Dog':
'Cadel will not be riding the Giro, he has other commitments in May and he is contractually obliged to fulfill those'
When asked what those commitments were 'Molly the dog' replied
'He is obliged to build me a new kennel and throw a stick for me through out May, woof, woof, woof'
But further dramatic revelations ensued in a dramatic and ensuing way, apparently Evans has not retired!
'Cadel has not retired' said 'Molly the dog' he has been training throughout the winter and is raring to go at Crufts Downunder in January, this is part of his build up to July when he will be leading a strong team of ball throwers, walkie specialists and dedicated groomers. His main target is victory in the 'Who's a cleaver boy' event in July'.
Cevelo test team, now testing toothpaste.
One rider who will be aiming at victory come May is Carlos Sastre. Having moved to the Cevelo test team (now apparently testing vitamin supplements as well) his first goal of the season will be Le Giro. Oh dear, have you seen who else is riding Carlos ? No seriously have you? If I were you I'd join Cadel and Molly, they've got the right idea. Look you're no longer at CSC/Saxo/IT skint. No Schleck's, no chance will be the motto I think. Not to deride Celevo TT, but two Grande Tours in one year may well be stretching the realms of possibility here, still I guess Carlos will be looking to give it his all come the big mountains, but he's gonna have to do some ride if he's going to overcome the ITT / TTT advantage that Astana is bound to enjoy. So the only way will be to attack, which will be entertaining. Mind you this will be the 100th Giro, so you can pretty much guarantee that the locals will be going mental of the front from the red and white to the black and white, nice....
Indecently what else are Cevelo testing? Bikes and Vitamins we know about. But what about socks? Bar tape? Toothpaste? how long is the list?
One thing they don't appear to be testing is a way of updating their web site, it's still blazing the joys of sponsoring CSC, no mention of who riding for the team for 2009 and no pics either.
And with Xmas on the way.
You have to love Cycling Weekly, no seriously you do. This week they list Xmas presents for the cyclist in your life, my favorite is a packet of pasta! How would you be if you opened you presents to find someone had sent you a packet of pasta?
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